‘Final Space‘ is a sci-fi series that emerged in 2018 and sparked interest, debates, and a devoted fanbase. This adult animated space opera comedy-drama was the brainchild of Olan Rogers, who, along with David Sacks, developed a narrative that traversed the cosmos. Let’s explore what makes ‘Final Space’ a must-see addition to the sci-fi genre.
What ‘Final Space’ is About?
‘Final Space‘ first graced television screens on TBS on February 26, 2018, transitioning to Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim for its second season on June 24, 2019, and concluding with its third season on March 20, 2021.
The story revolves around Gary Goodspeed, an exuberant yet naive astronaut, and Mooncake, his powerful alien ally. Their adventures across the universe, aiming to thwart impending doom, form the main theme of the series.
In the series, Goodspeed is serving the end of his sentence aboard the prison spacecraft Galaxy One and encounters a planet-destroying alien named Mooncake. As they traverse the universe, they’re pursued by the malevolent Lord Commander.
Why Was the Show Canceled?
The show garnered widespread praise for several aspects, including voice performances, art direction, writing, story, and thematic depth.
Despite the acclaim, ‘Final Space’ had an end after three seasons, largely due to the proposed merger of WarnerMedia and Discovery in 2021.
Olan Rogers announced the cancellation on September 10, 2021. Moreover, he disclosed on Twitter in September 2022 that the series would be written off for taxes after its international run on Netflix.
Will ‘Final Space’ Return to the Screens?
As of the current date, ‘Final Space’ is set to be pulled from all platforms, including Netflix, once licensing expires, as shared by Olan Rogers. The series, along with other projects, fell victim to Warner Bros Discovery’s tax write-off post-merger, meaning it will no longer be available in any format.
However, the narrative of ‘Final Space’ is slated for continuation in a graphic novel titled ‘Final Space: The Final Chapter,’ set for release in late 2024 and promising a conclusion for fans.
You can watch the show’s trailer below.