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Elon Musk Targets Lucasfilm Chief For Her Bigotry Against Male Star Wars Fans

Elon Musk criticzes Lucasfilm chief about her statements regarding the male dominant fans of Star Wars.

In a recent series of tweets, Elon Musk criticized the head of Lucasfilm for her bias against male ‘Star Wars’ fans.

Musk doesn’t like Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy’s handling of the ‘Star Wars’ franchise. He responded to a meme labeling Kennedy a ‘franchise killer,’ writing:

“She’s more deadly than the Death Star!”

Elon appears bothered by Kennedy’s emphasis on progressive themes and female leads in ‘Star Wars’ projects. He mentioned this in another post on X, referencing Kennedy’s recent interview with The New York Times:

“Kathleen Kennedy is super bigoted against men.”

What Did Kennedy Say In Her Interview?

In the interview, Kennedy supported Leslye Headland, the director and writer of the new ‘Star Wars’ TV series ‘The Acolyte,’ amid criticism from fans who labeled her as ‘woke.’ She stated:

“Operating within these giant franchises now, with social media and the level of expectation, it’s terrifying. I think a lot of the women who step into ‘Star Wars’ struggle with this a bit more. Because of the fan base being so male-dominated, they sometimes get attacked in ways that can be quite personal.”

Kennedy became president of Lucasfilm after Disney bought the company in 2012. However, her leadership has divided ‘Star Wars’ fans. Initially, she had success with hits like ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ in 2015 and ‘Rogue One’ in 2016.

But subsequent ‘Star Wars’ movies, like 2Solo: A Star Wars Story’ in 2018, performed poorly at the box office, according to Deadline. The franchise’s streaming efforts, including shows like ‘The Book of Boba Fett,’ received mixed reviews from audiences, as reported by Rotten Tomatoes.

Kennedy’s leadership of ‘Star Wars’ isn’t solely blamed for the franchise’s decline among fans. Former Disney CEO Bob Iger said in 2019 that the studio may have released too many ‘Star Wars’ projects too quickly after acquiring Lucasfilm.

You can see Musk’s tweets below.



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