Despite previously announcing his retirement, Jim Carrey returned to the big screen with Sonic the Hedgehog 3, citing financial reasons. Now, the actor has revealed he’s open to reprising his role in a potential fourth installment of the franchise.
Speaking to Cinema Today, Carrey shared his thoughts on returning for another film, saying he’d consider it if the idea “sounds fun.”
“I’m definitely open,” Carrey said. “I’m open to the idea, and generally, they come to me with the next idea and if I go, ‘That sounds fun,’ then I’ll do it. I don’t feel locked to anything in life, unless it’s something that interests me.”
Released late last year, Sonic the Hedgehog 3 was a massive success, earning critical acclaim as the best film in the series and securing an 86% score on Rotten Tomatoes. The film also performed strongly at the box office, fueling rumors of a fourth installment.
Carrey expressed his enthusiasm for the Sonic series, highlighting his love for the team behind the films and the positive reception from fans.
“I certainly love this crew, I love this gang that makes these movies, and I love the fans,” Carrey said. “I think there’s a lot of really great energy around it, great responses, and the fans jump in there and go like, ‘How about if you do this?’ They’ve been super helpful. I think we’re all making this movie together.”
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 is currently in theaters.