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Mia Goth Defends ‘Blade’ Production Delays: ‘They Really Care’

She believes the delays mean that Marvel Studios is committed to making a high-quality film.

Marvel’s Blade reboot has been the talk of the town lately, especially with all the changes happening behind the scenes.

Mia Goth recently spoke about the delays in an interview with Deadline. Goth, who is rumored to play the villain Lilith, said that the people at Marvel Studios are really trying to make a great movie:

“They really care. They do. They want to make a great movie, that’s the sense that I get from them, and that feels good.”

You can watch the interview below.

Blade Went Under ‘Way Too Much’ Change

‘Blade’ faced a lot of changes, especially with directors. Yann Demange was the latest director to leave the project. He was the second director to go. He replaced Bassam Tariq, who left in September 2022. Demange’s departure was described as ‘entirely amicable,’ meaning there were no hard feelings.

Eric Pearson is currently working on the ‘Blade’ script using a draft by Michael Starbury.

Lilith is the character Goth is rumored to play, and she has an interesting background. She is the first child of Dracula, born before he became a vampire. After Dracula killed her adopted family, Lilith was given special powers and immunity to sunlight to get revenge on him.

The most recent version of Lilith was created in 1992, and she is an immortal goddess who controls all demons. This Lilith fought Ghost Rider, Morbius, Doctor Strange, and the Midnight Sons, and was the main villain in Marvel’s Midnight Suns video game.

Blade is still set to come out in the fall of 2025, but Demange’s recent exit can change this release date.



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