The first trailer for ‘Superman’ was recently released to high praise. However, that initial excitement did not last long, as the movie has since started receiving mixed reactions. Speaking on The Hot Mic, Jeff Sneider and John Rocha shared what they’ve heard about recent test screenings.
Sneider claims to have spoken with a source who “knew multiple people who had seen ‘Superman'” and stated, “[The] buzz is not good. I’m hearing bad things. I’m hearing ‘you should be worried things.’ It sounds like James Gunn is aware of some of the feedback.”
This could explain why reshoots are reportedly taking place, though Gunn himself has clarified that these are “pickup shots” and not reshoots of entire scenes. Despite Gunn’s reassurances, another source in the editing world told Sneider there are “plenty of reasons to be nervous” about the film.
Rocha also added, “Someone who’s seen ‘Superman’ told me it has the tone of the first ‘Captain America’ movie and the ‘Mummy films.’ They said Nicholas Hoult is the standout and the film is ‘decent’ but a large chunk of the film was unfinished with only a third of the film’s VFX done.”
He continued,”[It has] the least amount of humour of any Gunn film but there’s still humour throughout the film,” he continued. “Most people will be satisfied with the movie and it should be received well enough to continue Gunn’s DCU.”
As of now, these remain unconfirmed rumors, with no official statements addressing the concerns. ‘Superman’ is scheduled to arrive in theaters on July 11, 2025.