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‘Uncharted’ Sequel Is In Works With Sony: Tom Holland And Mark Wahlberg’s Return Is Unclear

Sony revealed plans for a sequel to the 2022 action adventure film.

Variety recently reported that Sony’s president of international distribution, Steven O’Dell, announced an ‘Uncharted’ sequel among other upcoming projects at the 2024 CineEurope trade show.

The release date for the new film and details are still up in the air. It’s also yet to be confirmed whether Tom Holland and Mark Wahlberg will reprise their roles, though they likely will.

Sony confirmed working on ‘Uncharted 2’ with Holland and Wahlberg in the lead cast two years ago. A post credits scene in the original adaptation also hinted at these plans by showing Nate meet a guy working for villainous Gabriel Roman from ‘Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune.’

The Actors Received The Script, According To Wahlberg

Tom Holland and Mark Wahlberg joined Sophia Ali, Tati Gabrielle, and Antonio Banderas in the first ‘Uncharted’ film. Ruben Fleischer directed the movie based on the video game series.

The Victor Sullivan actor teased news about a sequel back in February. He told Screen Rant:

“Actually, I just got a call today that they got the script in. I can’t grow a real beard and mustache, but they said, ‘Start growing your mustache. It’s gonna take a while.’ I’d be interested to see what the story’s like, and where that adventure takes us. But I’m excited; I know audiences really loved the first one, so we’ll see.”

The original ‘Uncharted’ movie was a big hit, pulling in $407 million worldwide on a budget of $120 million. It is now available for streaming on Hulu.



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