Despite a wave of controversies and skepticism surrounding the film’s production and release strategy, Jake Gyllenhaal’s remake of ‘Road House’ recently outperformed the original...
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Marvel president teased plans for the Mutants future at a new Disney event.
The mistake became a hot topic online.
The author mocked the ‘Doctor Who’ star on the election of the new Tory leader.
The actor decided to share his cancer diagnosis before it could be leaked by the media.
Despite a wave of controversies and skepticism surrounding the film’s production and release strategy, Jake Gyllenhaal’s remake of ‘Road House’ recently outperformed the original...
Even though Maria Zhang had never heard of 'Avatar: The Last Airbende' before her audition, she became a fan favorite as Suki.
He did this to learn about the game's world and how to be Steve.
The actress recently shared her feelings on losing out last year’s Oscar to Jamie Lee Curtis.
Shogun' got lots of people watching and they liked it a lot, but the creators are happy with how it ended.
Lionsgate is shaking things up by turning two of its biggest hits, ‘John Wick’ and ‘Twilight,’ into TV series.
Hardy is back as Venom, and it seems he can't wait for us to see the movie.
Frank Grillo said Mark Ruffalo is not just a tough guy like his roles suggest.
Though the ‘Scream 7’ production has been shaky in recent months, Gooding thinks there’s still hope for the movie.
A flag that shouldn't be there might stop it from winning a major award.