The TV series’ Banshee,’ created by Jonathan Tropper and David Schickler of ‘True Blood,’ offers 38 episodes across four seasons, airing from 2013 to 2016. With Antony Starr as the lead, this show takes you into the heart of Banshee, a town riddled with drama and crime. Featuring actors like Ben Cross and Chris Coy, the series has earned a score of 8.4/10 on IMDb. But does it deserve more?
You Either Love It Or Hate It
The opening of the show’s first episode sets a familiar scene: an unnamed ex-criminal arrives in a town and gets in trouble, which may be cliché to some watchers. But towards the end, as Starr’s character steals the identity of a town cop, it shows the audience what they will be watching for the next four seasons, giving them a chance to decide whether they will continue or not. The first few episodes convince many viewers to finish the series, but some people don’t like what they present.
The Gore May Be Too Much
Right from the start, ‘Banshee’ doesn’t hold back on violence, sex, and gore. While it portrays its female characters as strong and independent, they are often shown through male perspective in sex scenes and as targets of abuse and manipulation, which may not be desirable for some watchers. The show’s graphic content also could be challenging for those who aren’t fans of intense action scenes and blood, but these scenes mostly save the show from becoming ‘boring’ and ‘repetitive.’
The Plot And Characters Are Dynamic
The story begins focusing on a criminal but quickly expands to include a wide range of characters. Viewers witness many twists and turns in their lives, including deaths and moral shifts. The main character himself evolves throughout the series, interacting with many different characters, like a Nazi seeking redemption and an Amish gangster. The final season notably changes in style and plot while still keeping true to the show’s original vibe.
How To Watch Banshee?
‘Banshee’ was initially aired on Cinemax and later added to HBO Max’s catalog. For those interested in watching, it’s available to rent or buy on platforms like Amazon, Google Play, and Vudu. Amazon Prime Video subscribers can watch the first season as part of their subscription.