Warner Bros. quietly begins development on its first Game of Thrones feature film, marking a significant shift in strategy for the HBO franchise that...
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Isaac 'Ike' Perlmutter worked with Disney as Marvel chairman for decades before his departure in 2023.
He takes aim at the show's Season 3 writer, who's also set to oversee 'X-Men '97.'
The Shelbys are apparently coming back for more stories after the movie.
The show became a great success for the studio, reaching a larger-than-before audience at Marvel with significantly less budget.
Warner Bros. quietly begins development on its first Game of Thrones feature film, marking a significant shift in strategy for the HBO franchise that...
Fans are debating if the ‘Kiss of Death’ is a real concept in the MCU. (Spoilers ahead!)
The showrunner explains why her series skipped post-credits scenes unlike previous MCU projects.
New DC Studios leaders chose a different actress to play the character.
Marvel wanted careful wording around Wanda’s status.
Marvel Studios may be developing a Wiccan series.
Is a season 2 for 'Agatha All Along' in Marvel’s plans?
Marvel’s recent announcements left out any mention of Season 2.
The new series is set to debut on HBO on November 17, 2024.
The actress has officially signed on for a supporting role in the new DC series.